
follow me on Twitter, my Twitter account is @NastiaSafina
see you there

December 28, 2009

what's up doc?

I just get back from "l'hosto" (hospital like we say it in french) and I'm like: CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!
I was the one who wanted to go out there cause I wanted a sort of general visit you know, especially for my eyes cause I feel like I completely screwed'em up because of the computer. So I was kinda expecting to wear glasses (and still, Glasses just for reading) but you know what? I got everyday's life glasses for the rest of my life! "okay, okay, just calm down, not a big deal; find the money and you can exchange'em for contacts..." that's what I was thinking to bring my cool back and it works. i went to the next doc totally under control.

The next one was the dentist; I know some of you hate the dentist (be honest and say that you all are scared of him!) well just so you know guys, it was my first time! I've never been at a dentist's office, ever... So I obviously dreaded the meeting, but oddly I had fun! you know hearing the doc saying that I got perfect teeth was super, perfect teeth, beautiful white teeth and excellent oral hygiene...
of course compliments didn't last very long and the doc said: "you gotta have surgery to remove wisdom teeth and wear braces 6 months" hahaha that's pretty fun!
Does this bastard doctor really think that I'll accept to look like braceface?? Crazy... he's simply damn crazy... is there any other explanation? guess not
I mean, my teeth look great, and okay I'll do the surgery, but only if it's absolutely necessary. Otherwise this doc can go to hell.

At the end of the day, I realized something: docs make you feel disposable and my mom too cause she's a doc herself...But i realized something else: Doc's profession is definately not a job for me...then again not at all!

December 27, 2009

3 doors down

right here is one of my fav bands, they got the talent, they've done great songs and still do... so sad that they're not as popular as Britney Spears, even though they're a million time better.

you know many people think that nobody can be as good a Nirvana or Metallica when we talk about that kind of music, you know rock-metal something like that. Actually I always thought that smaller bands are even better just like: "3 Doors Down", "Avenged sevenfold", "love spit love" (no one really heard about'em so they split few times after their first album, but I heard about'em and I think it's so unfortunate that they're not performing anymore) ...uhm what else; "the dandy warhols", "Stone sour" (also one of my fav)there's also "the verve", "phantom Planet"...and so many others.
Of course I'm fan of Metallica, Nirvana, Apocalyptica, Fall out boy, Paramore, Nickel back, Linkin park, coldplay...but those are the greatest in the world and you all certainly already know'em

December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, and Happy New year...

Just wanted to wish you all a very happy Christmas, and hope you got all the gifts you wanted!
in Algeria we don't celebrate Christmas but we do with New Years so Happy new year too...Hope it'll be a great year full of good things, happiness and successfulness.
Take it easy with the chocolate and alcohols!! but still celebrate, those are great opportunities to have fun and go crazy so Push it out!!!

December 17, 2009

Dudaktan kalbe...Heartbeats

Ooh my god!!! you guys know that I'm a ball of energie when I'm excited by something (and now I said something and NOT someone!!) whatever I'm just so crazy about that book I long to read... Of course I already saw the adaptation on TV but talking by experience,
I know that adaptations are piece of crap compared to the novel
I just can't think of other stuff, I need the book, and when I'll get it (cause for sure I'll hand over it) I'll swallow it in a couple of days and then I'll be then unfortunate cause I'd have read it too swiftly.
Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway, I'll resume quickly the story:
Lamia is a 19 years old girl who lost her parents in her childhood and is now leaving with her uncle's family who are taking her for their servant.(well, if you just read that, you'll think it a boring Cinderella story, but believe me it's a lot better and bolder than a simple Cinderella story).
Kennan is a well known violinist whom he's cousin (Jamil) married kennan's first love (Lyla).
A lot of things happened after, like Lyla's death, Jamil who accidentally kills a man, Lamia goes to jail...
between Lamia & Kennan, it's a thunderbolt,they were crazy about each other But Kennan he didn't want to admit it because of their different social situations and broke up (even it wasn't a real relationship).
Lamia then get pregnant but did say nothing to Kennan so his career won't be compromised. meanwhile, it was Jamil's turn to fall in love with Lamia. So troubles are back again between Kennan and Jamil just like with Lyla.
I won't tell more just that it is an incredible love-drama
it's a turkish novel, turkish name: Dudaktan kalbe
english title: unknown!!

December 11, 2009

From F1 to WRC

Crazy to see how you can switch from a thing to another... I do it sometimes when I used to have a juice for the breakfast and suddenly eat cereals one morning!!!
This is just a short example. a big example would be to switch from Formula 1 to WRC, that is a big deal but also a serious risk, You never know which way things can turn.
So just wanted to tell something about Kimi Raikkonen who is starting a WRC carreer. Although he said it was just for 2010 and that he will be back to Formula 1 after, Kimi is going to drive the best car, a Citroen C4. Sebastien Loeb is driving a C4 too and is seventh time world champion... So is Kimi going to quit the F1??? I hope not, cause he's definitely the best (or at least one of the bests).

December 10, 2009

DOODLE: OUR walk out of work

Well well well...
This week was so exhausting, I thought it'll never end... but if we talk about an END, well for sure it was a beautiful end! I think I talked previously about the walk out of work that our teachers made. Us, pupils thought it for just a week but the week became 2weeks and then 3 weeks and it almost became a months.
And finally we've been late on the school programs. now the exams are gonna be while the holidays (thing that we'll not gonna let happen) so pupils did their own walk out of work (and me among'em!) we finally get what we wanted; exams after holidays and easier topics...
talk about that later...have a good night to you all

December 03, 2009


Huh! and troubles start again!
Guys I got a question for you: what do you do if someone (a true copy of Paris Hilton just without the blond wig) is sitting just in front of you, seeming to totally don't care about you, and is pouring rivers of unmeaning words one after the other (which gives you by the way an horrible headache)?
at first I was tolerate, I didn't want to fire it up just because of such behavior. But after a while my patience reached its limit, and I heard myself screaming SHUT UP! the bird-brained girl next to me (who was giving me the terrible headache) did not believe her ears, she was like: uhhhh...excuse me?!!
-me: yeah, can you shut it up just for a sec?
-bird-brained girl: you're rude, you know that?
-me: I'm not, but I can tell you what YOU are; a stupid girl who doesn't respect anyone. you're coming over here (my table actually) and you behave like I was invisible
-bird-brained girl: who the hell you think you are?
-me: I don't know, someone who tells you your truths! (then I spoke with an amused tone) at least I'm useful to you. if it was someone else, he'd just insult you and would tell you to go away, and by the way with really dirty words...and whatever just get out of my face now
I don't know exactly what she was going to say, but it looked like a swear word, lucky for her the teacher prayed us to shut up.

Well this is a message to who does believe that trying to bring those kind of girls on the right way a worthwhile mission:
they'll never change, it's their nature to be like that, I think there's something that dysfunction in their brain when they had their periods the first time. It's life and be sure that it's a hopeless mess.
write to you soon...meanwhile take care! bye bye

December 01, 2009

This is it

Well, so sorry guys for the lack of updates but I was in such a deep depression when Marat played his last official tennis match...ok my sentence sounds a little dramatical and maybe use the word "depression" is a little abused, but I can definitely not describe with mere words the awful mood in which I am now.It's like a huge vacuum in me, know that Marat won't play anymore, I'm so sick about it you just can't imagine.
I just hope he won't completely disappear from the screen. it has just been 2 weeks that he left the pro-tour that I already miss him...
Here is the video of the good bye-ceremony(so sad)it was in Paris, new and old players came to tell Marat "au revoir" check it out:

Like I was really sad and in a deep sorrow, I decided to do something which makes me forget this. Actually I wanted to do something worthwhile, and honestly create something is my fav stuff so I mad a video of Marat (of course) and Sophia Bush (do you remember the lovely brunette with a super chic style?) well I've always thought them a great couple (if they date tough) apparently no love between that two, yet they met a couple of times. I'll upload it soon but if you wanna check it out right now go to:

Have a nice evening...

November 07, 2009

New Moon

I'm kind of excited about the NEW MOON coming out, I'm like jumpping around and just can't think of something else!! but the real reason is that I want say to everybody who is excited for the good reasons: "I told you!!!!"
I'm definitely not a super fan of the TWILIGHT movies, I think that people who went to theater to watch, wasted their money and their time. It was really bad done, bad actors (if you remember well, I said in my previous articles that Kristen was good to embody normalcy. Well actually she's not. She's just doing the same thing all over again, When I saw some of her old movies I was like disgusted. This girl is a freak!!! she got that same face in every scene, every movie, that's freaking out!)
But here again, I really wanna see the second one, cause I'm a huge fan of Stephanie Meyer's novels, that's all.

I really enjoyed reading the TWILIGHT books, and it's a shame to say "the movie is better" but I still curious about watching New Moon and see if is really better than the book! (which I highly doubt).

Well with all the trailers that Summit reveals we've almost saw the whole movie! but I still curious and excited about the coming out...(again for really bad reasons).
Here is the trailer that I most like, presented by Jacob "Taylor Lautner" with his lovely smile, and perfect body!!! enjoy

PS: Taylor is probably the only good actor out there, they should fire Kristen and give extra lessons to Rob so he can really be Edward Cullen, cause right now...well it's not really the case!!

"how bitchy this girl can be!!!!" I'm sure that's what you're thinking of me after reading this message!!! but you know what, I completely don't care!

DOODLE: Walk out of work!

Rejoice for me guys! our teachers are having a "walk out of work" this whole week! I'm so excited you just can't imagine. I'm actually thinking to what I will spend my "freedom"-week. maybe to tennis, or to hanging out with friends...Uhmm I will see but for sure I'll tell you what I chose!

I also wanted to tell you that "The Twilight Saga New Moon" is coming out soon on November 18th, so be ready!

talk to you soon...

November 06, 2009

Matt a hot mess!

I find this video on youtube, it's about matt lanter aka Liam Court on 90210 (the guy with whom I'm momentarily in love) momentarily cause I'll certainly find someone else to throw my heart on him in the next season or in another TV-Show!! believe me it always happens like that!

Anyway I just want you to watch the video, I love it and I guess you'll love it too. Just check it out and don't forget to leave some comms just to know what you think about. the song is "hot mess" by Cobra Starship. I love this song by the way...

November 05, 2009


Hi guys! just thinking to let you know what I was doing 2mns ago:So...! You probably know the famous TV-Show "Beverly Hills" (well for the Under 15 maybe not but for older audience I'm sure you know about what I'm talking). So on 2008 the first season of the Beverly Hills Sping off started. I actually really liked, it's sort of a Californian "Gossip Girl" you know all that money, that fancy clothes, fancy cars, material girls with rich's kid manners you know...If I was living that I would certainly hate that extravagant world but since it's just on TV, I pretty like, I find it kind of fun and interesting.
Even I wasn't a fan of Beverly Hills "the original" (ok the truth is that I was too young to apreciate that kind of TV-serials actually) So I wanted to catch up this time by following the sping off, like West Bev high School was giving me a second shot to know it's juniors!!
So when I knew that it would be a sping off I waited patiently for the first episode (I actually saw it last year in English because the translation into French took really like a whole year!)
although my friends are following the Show just now while I've saw all the season last year (well not in french but thanks to that, my English is getting better and better!)

Now I'm folling the second season. So 2 minutes ago, I've finished to watch the eighth episode, and I just have to say a single word: AMAZING!!!
Actually that first eighth episodes of the second season are awesome, and a lot better than the first season(well the first was good but not as much as the second) Like actors said before the second season came out: "It's gonna be bigger, better and bolder".

So after a long year wait, the second season finally started, and I must say that I wasn't disapointed. I remember that I've heard about it while the summer vacation when I read somewhere that the filming was done and that it's gonna be on Tuesday september 8th, I was like: great, great, great!finally the second season of 90210 arrives!!!!

PS: I am crazy in love with one of the characters: "Liam" played by "Matt Lanter"!!! but it often happens to me to have a crush on actors; the farthest persons I can ever think of reachin'em

Hope it wasn't too boring! see ya guys soon...

November 01, 2009

Sienna Miller

Well actually, I regard Sienna Miller the most fashionable woman! her style is class and rock'n'roll at the same time, that makes her a really interesting person you know, like I would definitely love to share a launch with her discussing about clothes and different materials and colours she's like an Icon really.

She has a style that has been worked from head to toe. nothing is left to chance, her hair, her shoes and even accessories, everything fits perfectly. when she arrives on the red carpet she is always like: yeah, I saw some light so I came to see! but in fact she looks like a goddess!

she just rocks!

Sophia Bush

You were probably wondering why there's too much pics of Sophia Bush, well the answer is pretty simple; I admire this girl. She's good actress, a nice person (according to her surround though), respects herself and people and she has a super style.
There ain't so much actresses like her in Hollywood, she's like unique you know. Cause if you take Paris Hilton as an exemple, you'll find so much brainless-blondes! Hollywood has so many girls as bitchy as Paris Hilton! I'm not saying that all blondes are stupid, but a bunch of them are thoroughly playing the dumb blonde.

Sophia is really different, she's smart and always taking part to meanningful projects. She's chic, glamorous, sexy without being vulgar. I mean, in 10 years I definately wanna be like her. (well, at least it isn't forbidden to dream!)

October 31, 2009

My right idea of Fashion

Basically, I'm always wearing jeans, cause I feel so comfortable in it.
but this doesn't mean that it's all what i want to wear. I like maria' style, I think it's the closest look to me but... yeah, sometimes Sharapova's outfits don't really amaze me. There's time where I'm like: Gosh! what the hell was she thinking??! why is she dressing that way?!!
I definately think that nobody have a perfect style. Anybody wants to be different and that's why we have so many styles nowadays. And I guess it's a good thing, I mean for exemple; even I don't like Lady Gaga' style (let's be honest, I hate it), I won't say that she should wear something else, or that she should have a C'mon style.

Here are some pics of my fav dresses: here it's Sophia Bush (love her style):

I actually love the brown one just right here...

From the fashion side I really love Sienna Miller too, her style is unique, so chic! just love it.

What else?
oh yeah, never forget Maria's dresses; here are my favs:

Maria Sharapova for Cole Haan and also for Tiffany!

Something you should know guys about me is that I'm a big fan of Tiffany's jewelry.
I just love it like I wanna wear every single item when I'm looking at the huge table with plenty of accessories.

And another fact why I totally admire Maria Sharapova is that she is co-operating with Tiffany!! ohhhhh My God! when you see the so beautiful earrings that she wears at the US Open you're just like: Waw!!!!

This is the first Tiffany earrings that Sharapova wore, it was while the 2008 Roland Garros and I regard it one of my two favorites: check out that:

The design is wonderful. Usually I'm not really interested in Gold earrings, but those are just amazing, like it's the only gold-earrings that I would accept to wear with a big YES!
Then their is those two that she wore at this lasr Grand Slam, at the Us Open. the design has been done with a lot of precision that makes the earrings really interesting: chech it out:
Of course there is other peaces that she didn't wear but that she was part of the project like those that really like:

Maria Sharapova style is the perfect look that I would have. Well been tall, find a to wear heels is sometimes difficult but when you find the right way like the right colour to match up together, the right match top/botom, or right dress/accessory, you certenly find the good outfit that makes you feel confortable wearing heels. and Maria did that so well you know, I'm just a fan of her style and her accessories cause it's just cut, glamorous and casualy at the same time.
And about her Cole Haan partnership, well at first I wasn't excited about it that much, cause basically I'm not a big fan of Cole Haan accessories. But when Maria's colection came out I immediately love it.
I was first fan of the metallic gold satchel, just right here: But when I've saw the Hobo Bag I was like: Ok I think I've finally found my perfect trick!
The Hobo Bag was my thunderbolt.
So chose you fav accessory amoung those:

October 30, 2009

Maria Sharapova Serves Up An Ace With Her New Cole Haan Collection

Maria Sharapova Cole Haan collection of fashion accessories is coming out, well I think she was really inspired when she designed it cause it's pretty cute you know just the right style that girls wear. Her inspiration for the line partly came from the way she lives, and partly from a desire to give cool young girls what they want and need (including keeping the cost lower than what Cole Haan usually sells for).
I have a special crush on the over-the-knee flat boot.
Actually, design one without heels is a genius idea cause for girls like me and her who are pretty tall (well, 10cm shorter than her actually, I'm 1.79) we can't wear those kind of boots which makes you look like a crane! but finally I can have an over-the-knee boot that doesn’t have heels!
I also loved the Hobo Bag, really fashionable that is chick enough to be worn at parties and casual to take it eveeryday.

Safin & Sharapova to mix up

Good news to tell you guys, Marat Safin will play at least a tournament in 2010, and it will be an exhibition in Hong Kong, 4 teams will participate: Team Russia, Team Europe, Team America, and Team Asia.

every team got two women and one man and in russia's case, it will be Marat Safin to play singles and double mixtes with Maria Sharapova and Vera Zvonareva.
so excited about, looking forward to see them playing.


before coming over here and writing I was thinking about what I didn't talk about. Like my favs in general, and I found out that I didn't told you much about my favs like my fav movies, fav actors or TV-shows...

So now I'll talk about a sportman (ok, I know it's too much sport right here but sport is a big part of my life and my personality so...) in a different kind of sport though, cause he's a driver. a Formula 1 driver.

He's Kimi Raikkonen, Finnish, Scuderia Ferrari Driver, 2007 world champion and something like 18 wins in GP.

He's known to be very calm, cool, and calculating in his race strategy—prompting the nickname "Iceman", which is subtly written on the side of his current helmet design. He's a very cold person like he don't really like to smile, in fact that's the picture that we have about Kimi, when we see him talking to the media or after a race. The is just having a little shy smile while he's taking the trophy! so I think that the nickname "Iceman" really belongs to him.

But in fact, Iceman and Kimi in real life are two different character. The first one is cold and sober while the second one is partygoer. in real life he's a really funny guy who likes parties and like to laugh...that makes his character so interesting and fascinating you know what I mean? like you wanna know more about him.

And when you do you find out that his an incredible driver with so much talent, and a enthralling guy...

Sometimes he does things that are just unbelievable, like when he starts a GP, or when he fights againts other drivers...those kind of people with cold blood give you your right dose of adrenaline.
I also really like how he talks to the media like the shorts answers, or the "cold" answers.

He really has a different point of view of life, which I think is intresting. When you talk to him about his feelings when he's doing something, he's like: it's normal, or:I'm not really excited! that's really weird but I like that! just throw a glance to this: and you'll have the right idea about KIMI RAIKKONEN... go check it out!

And plus of all that, he's pretty good looking!!! don't you think?

DOODLE: smells like teen spirit

Hi guys, how you all doing? hope good!

Of course i was busy "again!" this week was just like the two others before; a test-week!

I think I did well in my History and math tests, which makes me feel confident for the rest of the week. But sadly, I've totally done wrong in English; I don't know how it is possible, I just mad a terrible mistake and I feel so disappointing right now. I guess the "too much confidence" hurts me!
but apart from School, I took a 2 day trip to "Tipaza" people around here are like: "OMG, I love that place it's so wonderful and so..." when they talk about it so I think it deserve a shot. So I went there with my cousins and their friends. In fact we went to my aunt's empty house (my aunt lives there, but I was 10 the last time I went to, so I obviously don't remember what kind of atmosphere there is), Actually my aunt ain't there, she is out of the country right now, which is good because we could throw some cool parties, unfortunatly we arrived there and we didn't know how to open the door! but my genius cousins (or really stupid cousins, depending on viewpoint) were finally able to get the keys.

Oh and by the way, I'm curious to see aunty's reaction when she'll be back and when she'll see her house converted to Night Club!!! she would be like: I shouldn't have given my keys to such evil kids, I'm an idiot!! haha for sure we'll laugh!
But outside Home, it is such an oasis up there...I didn't do anything but read (my last book was "La Maison de Matriona" by "Alexander Soljenitsyn") and listen to Nirvana in full blast (I had a crush on "Smells like teen Spirit").
I even tried fishing this time, which I learned is a total bore!
surprising things also happened like my cousin said no to cigarettes!!!! that is a proof that everything was crazy that week-end, my cousin is such a Guauloises drugy, but he swore to stop, cause smoking is bad for the health! you certainly already know the song.
the whole week-end I tried to play guitar, but you know what I couldn't!!!! What a shit! and to think, I was almost a little Slash when I was young!! a lefty Slash rocks, doesn't it? life ain't fair!

that's all what I've got for now, don't miss me too much...

October 23, 2009

almost fonctioning well

Thanx god I was finally able to bring some options back! So now I can picture you everything in my mind!

first there's the good news like: Maria Sharapova won a tournament! it's her first since her comeback from shoulder injury and her twenty in carrer. So happy for her!!

there's also something about Marat Safin but unfortunatly a sad thing, he's retiring at the end of the season. ok this is not exactly a breaking news knowing that I already knew it since last year when he was screaming to all the media: "I'm tired of Tennis of traveling around the world and tired of...balablablabla...".
it's just that now I feel his retiring so close! I mean we're in October and in the middle of November, the season will be done! and that's kind of scarying you know, like you realize that after this November there'll be no Safin anymore, I won't be able to watch him play anymore he'll maybe convert from tennis player to business-man! who knows he'll maybe president of Russia oneday! but for the moment right now, i'll be in a lack of Safin.

Oh My God, I will miss him so much, he is definatly the player with the strongest characters you know, he never hide or has been afraid to tell what he wanna say. He was so funny and adorable I think all the tennis world will miss him.

Here is a so funny picture from Shangai, when Marat was playing, I guess it was 3 weeks ago. and think it prouves what I was saying about Safin's notoriety.
watch and enjoy!

DOODLE: Not my idea of Heaven at all

first of all, I gotta say that something goes wrong on this site, it's been like a 3 weeks now that I can't put any picture any video, I can't use the colours, GOD that drives me crazy!! and apparently no one is doing something to solve it.

But let's be back about me a lil bit, but where do I start?...

Uhmm, at first I think I completely screwed up my test of Science Nat, which is unfortunate cause it represents 20% of my final note. it is nfortunate cause you know I'm in science class and I cannot count on maths to make up my notes anymore, so as true as it bothers me to say it, I have to work hard in Science Nat (in fact I hate the Sciences from the depth of myself)
And only now, I realize that I made the worst mistake of my life by enlisting in the scientific class. I should have went into math class, (you would say, why you didn't then? I would answer: that's what it costs to listen to your Dad) How dumb I was!
Then, I think I had the greatest revelation of my life, boys are assholes! ok, alright maybe not as great as I thought, but still a huge deal knowing that I always defend them like:
-"stop saying that about them girls, it's not fair at all, they're cool, maybe more than us"
Now I realize that the girls were right, boys are assholes I found it out somedays ago when my supposed friend (boy) showed me how evil boys can be.
Well I don't wanna give too many details about that but all I can say is that I thought that hypocrisy was just a girl-business. well, guys can be so hypocritical! and believe me it hurts more when it comes from boy than from a girl! and now I'm not talking about boys as boyfriends (everyone knows that they're assholes by this side) but I'm talking about them as friends, I never thought it possible, when it happened I was like "no way!" and I've heard someone shouting "WAY"!

What else? oh yeah! at least something good happened in all that. So this week I was finally back on the tennis courts and I cannot tell you how much I missed it. The balls, my rackets and my coach (he's so cute and young in addition! you can't even imagine how much pleasure it is to play with him) but we just maintain a professional relationship...there maybe a suspicion of friendship in it but nothing more I swear!

that's all for now! will be in touch!xx

October 15, 2009

Finally back!

I'm really sorry for the lack of updates this last week, but it was a crazy week actually, I just hadn't a free minute. I was so busy with the school-work, and I think I'll be for some time.
But I'm not the only reason, it becomes impossible to put a picture or a video here, and I have so many things to show you! I don't know exactly to what it's due, but it's been like two weeks that we can't upload something.
So it's pretty ennoying with no colour, no music or pictures. I just hope the problem will be solved quickly...
I'll write to you in a week or so...
keep around, LOVE YA

October 03, 2009

DOODLE: I’ve the great pleasure to introduce you my family: the ADAMS family!

Ooooooh my God!!!!!! I’m so mad right now, they’re driving me crazy!!!!
You would say something like: who? And I would answer: My PARENTS!!!!!! I’m just too angry so I need to do something you know to bring my calm back; I think writing helps me a bit.

They always make me feel this way; I don’t know exactly what I did or what they think I did so they’re doing all their possible to make my life a hell.
It’s always the same thing with’em; my mom screams constantly for nothing, she’s always trying to fire it up between us.
And my dad, huh, he’s like; he wants to be the “say-so” at home so he contradicts all what I say even it’s totally stupid, you know that kind of people who always abuse of their authority just to have the last word even they’re wrong… My father is like that, and it’s sort of bullshit you know…

I know that people always say; this step of life is hard there’s moment that you fight with everybody around you, and especially with your parents. That’s ridiculous; simply a damn theory made by damn people who imagine themselves knowing everything about life; they suppose teenagers: kids in trouble, just complicated kids… that’s false, we’re people who have a mind, a brain, we have thoughts and feelings and of course a different consideration of the world. And yes I gotta say that sometimes I’ve murder wants, but I’m not complicated, teenagers are not trouble kids; we’re not adults neither children, we’re actually learning how much life is hard but nobody take it easy with us.
you'll certainly make fun of this doodle cause you're probably livin' the same things...
I'll update in a week or so...take good care

September 23, 2009

DOODLE: Finally, here is the Weekend

what a week! this was a very long week actually so this two days off are welcome! but if I summarize a bit, I think I'm pretty happy with the way things have turned, cause first: nothing ambarrassing or things like that happened to me! I didn't fight with anyone (a miracle) and... oh common let's say it; it was pretty fun out there!!
So, now it's not a new school year anymore, we passed the first week, now we're studying normaly.
I actually greatly appreciated having good relations with everyone, you know cause it's usually the most important thing in high school, I mean start on good basics...
the disappointing thing in all that is that; my old friend whom I spoke about the other day is not in class, the asshole director put her in another class, but wherever, I think we can deal with that...

I think that's it, now I'll have sometime to rest,
Keep reading my online diary where a teen girl shares her life
kiss kiss...bye bye

September 22, 2009

DOODLE: Back to serious business…

After 3 days of total confusion (let’s say it clearly, the administration was totally overcome) we’re back to real work, that’s to say; courses resume, teachers are very serious seemed to say “finished jokes, hello hard work” that sucks! But fortunately I have my best friend in class with me and at the latest next week; one of my oldest friends should join us, so…But can you imagine?! She and I + my best friend are like links since what? the first school year! Then we were 5! And we’ve always been together since that. We are now 16 and it’s always a pleasure, we’re sort of, I don’t know, but like there’s a strong link up there, hope it’ll always remain as huge in 10 other years…
About courses, like I said finished jokes; now it's time to get back to the school spirit, you know it's kinda...for exemple: there's always a song playing in my mind over and over again, so now I have to delete all the music and replace it by some questions like: what is exactly a shank!!
I don't even know what it is!!! in fact it's hard to think that way, I mean when I'm in a classroom, it's definately too hard to think of other stuff that sleeping, the beach, ice-creams and how many hours left to go out!! and beleive me I do think that way!!

Gosh!!!! I guess this will be a long, long yearrrr

Marat Safin & Maria Sharapova - Through the Glass

Hi everyone!

right here is a video I made about the handsome Marat Safin and Maria Sharapova!

please, check it out and leave your apreciations!

the song is: "Through the glass" by "Stone Sour"

September 21, 2009

DOODLE: We’re not in holidays anymore!

Okay, I think I survived the first day of school, however, I'm totally exhausted, I guess I've already spoken about my sleep time so if I wake up at 6am instead of 1pm ! Hello effect hangover!
Right now I really need a good night's sleep, so then I'll go to bed earlier tonight. But today was really not a pleasure, to see everybody at school to tell’em Hello, have a big smile pasted on the face all the day and pretend to be happy and so excited to see everyone! ughhhh I hate it. After a while I was tired of this entire circus so when I left, I was totally upset! and then my friend told me :
"you could try to do a little effort you know, cause if they wanna figure you out, that's the picture they would have about you: a sullen girl who does not want to know her future classmates!" and me I was like: "yes I don’t! I don’t want to know them! I'm not in a lack of social life! you know" then she said: "just be more accessible to people so they can know who you really are"

Despite what she said, I spent the rest of the day pouting! Honestly I'm not the kind of person who pretends to be happy when he’s not; I often say whatever is in my head which is not pleasant to hear for some people!! Uhm anyways the matter is that I have good friends who know who I really am, and that's enough for me.

California: the song + lyrics

I have nothing special to share right now, so here is the famous song"California" by "Phantom Planet" that I'm always telling about; now you can listen it and juge by yourselves!

We’ve been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for number one

California here we come
Right back where we started from

Hustlers grab your guns
Your shadow weighs a ton
Driving down the 101

California here we come
Right back where we started from
California (California...)
Here we come

On the stereo
Listen as we go
Nothings gonna stop me now

California here we come
Right back where we started from

Pedal to the floor
Thinking of the roar
Gotta get us to the show

California here we come
Right back where we started from
California (California...)
Here we come