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January 12, 2010

Need you're help!

Hey to you bloggers, here's the big chocker: my dad and I had a fight! again...yeah, and we're now ending up with fights. That's my dad's word for fixing the damages!
in short, it was on account of the computer, and always the same blames: you're spending too much time surfing on the net, you're not working hard enough at school and so on... As a result it is forbidden to me to use it, for an undetermined duration. Probably till he's in better mood. In other words, for a long time.
I can't take it! my own computer!! this is crazy, isn't it? got to say that in my house, nobody really respects property if it comes from parents' money...I know, I know and you're right, that stinks.
The worst about it is that I'm in lack of genius ideas to make my dad giving up. There was a time when I was really good at this but now he's kinda accustomed to my crappy shots, thus my stock of good plans is exhausted and I'm definitely hopeless. So I turn to you guys, any suggestion, any idea, just leave it in the comment' spot.
According to expert opinion, I have to take off from home for few days, you know disappear some times, go to live with grandma for a while to make'em realize (my parents) that I'm done of their behavior. Actually that sounds pretty good, except something: I'm allergic to any other bed than mine, every night spent out of my bed means nightmare.
Talking about beds, I've got a story for you: this last summer I was with a bunch of friends at the beach and one of'em asked us; what's the only thing you would take with you on a deserted island? someone said his cell-phone, another one his guitar, beers, food...I said my bed. Then the one who was sitting just next to me said: oh cool, then I'll bring a woman, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase lend me your bed! everybody laughed out loud! it was sort of an unexpected response, everyone was caught off guard it was so fun!!! I miss summer...but back to my troubles, I really need your help guys I'm in complete despair........