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December 03, 2009


Huh! and troubles start again!
Guys I got a question for you: what do you do if someone (a true copy of Paris Hilton just without the blond wig) is sitting just in front of you, seeming to totally don't care about you, and is pouring rivers of unmeaning words one after the other (which gives you by the way an horrible headache)?
at first I was tolerate, I didn't want to fire it up just because of such behavior. But after a while my patience reached its limit, and I heard myself screaming SHUT UP! the bird-brained girl next to me (who was giving me the terrible headache) did not believe her ears, she was like: uhhhh...excuse me?!!
-me: yeah, can you shut it up just for a sec?
-bird-brained girl: you're rude, you know that?
-me: I'm not, but I can tell you what YOU are; a stupid girl who doesn't respect anyone. you're coming over here (my table actually) and you behave like I was invisible
-bird-brained girl: who the hell you think you are?
-me: I don't know, someone who tells you your truths! (then I spoke with an amused tone) at least I'm useful to you. if it was someone else, he'd just insult you and would tell you to go away, and by the way with really dirty words...and whatever just get out of my face now
I don't know exactly what she was going to say, but it looked like a swear word, lucky for her the teacher prayed us to shut up.

Well this is a message to who does believe that trying to bring those kind of girls on the right way a worthwhile mission:
they'll never change, it's their nature to be like that, I think there's something that dysfunction in their brain when they had their periods the first time. It's life and be sure that it's a hopeless mess.
write to you soon...meanwhile take care! bye bye

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