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May 28, 2010


okay guys I'm officially in shock, to now I didn't know how huge the Gulf Oil Spill was, now I do know and I'm seriously freaked out, there's oil everywhere, it's recovering everything, a friend from Louisiana told me we can smell it from a Km...I mean it's crazy and BP is not working fast enough! something is need to be done, it becomes a really alarming situation. OBAMA flew down there Today, better late than NEVER I guess.
updates.....Dead: 23 birds 156 sea turtles 12 dolphins. ... seriously to everyone from the States: call your congressman and Senator today!
Check out the picture, it's horrible!!!!!

Time to do some changes

well, hope this new look pleases you!
I just wanted some changes now that I got the time to take care of my business over here!
let me see if you like it or not, leave coms