
follow me on Twitter, my Twitter account is @NastiaSafina
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September 23, 2009

DOODLE: Finally, here is the Weekend

what a week! this was a very long week actually so this two days off are welcome! but if I summarize a bit, I think I'm pretty happy with the way things have turned, cause first: nothing ambarrassing or things like that happened to me! I didn't fight with anyone (a miracle) and... oh common let's say it; it was pretty fun out there!!
So, now it's not a new school year anymore, we passed the first week, now we're studying normaly.
I actually greatly appreciated having good relations with everyone, you know cause it's usually the most important thing in high school, I mean start on good basics...
the disappointing thing in all that is that; my old friend whom I spoke about the other day is not in class, the asshole director put her in another class, but wherever, I think we can deal with that...

I think that's it, now I'll have sometime to rest,
Keep reading my online diary where a teen girl shares her life
kiss kiss...bye bye

September 22, 2009

DOODLE: Back to serious business…

After 3 days of total confusion (let’s say it clearly, the administration was totally overcome) we’re back to real work, that’s to say; courses resume, teachers are very serious seemed to say “finished jokes, hello hard work” that sucks! But fortunately I have my best friend in class with me and at the latest next week; one of my oldest friends should join us, so…But can you imagine?! She and I + my best friend are like links since what? the first school year! Then we were 5! And we’ve always been together since that. We are now 16 and it’s always a pleasure, we’re sort of, I don’t know, but like there’s a strong link up there, hope it’ll always remain as huge in 10 other years…
About courses, like I said finished jokes; now it's time to get back to the school spirit, you know it's kinda...for exemple: there's always a song playing in my mind over and over again, so now I have to delete all the music and replace it by some questions like: what is exactly a shank!!
I don't even know what it is!!! in fact it's hard to think that way, I mean when I'm in a classroom, it's definately too hard to think of other stuff that sleeping, the beach, ice-creams and how many hours left to go out!! and beleive me I do think that way!!

Gosh!!!! I guess this will be a long, long yearrrr

Marat Safin & Maria Sharapova - Through the Glass

Hi everyone!

right here is a video I made about the handsome Marat Safin and Maria Sharapova!

please, check it out and leave your apreciations!

the song is: "Through the glass" by "Stone Sour"

September 21, 2009

DOODLE: We’re not in holidays anymore!

Okay, I think I survived the first day of school, however, I'm totally exhausted, I guess I've already spoken about my sleep time so if I wake up at 6am instead of 1pm ! Hello effect hangover!
Right now I really need a good night's sleep, so then I'll go to bed earlier tonight. But today was really not a pleasure, to see everybody at school to tell’em Hello, have a big smile pasted on the face all the day and pretend to be happy and so excited to see everyone! ughhhh I hate it. After a while I was tired of this entire circus so when I left, I was totally upset! and then my friend told me :
"you could try to do a little effort you know, cause if they wanna figure you out, that's the picture they would have about you: a sullen girl who does not want to know her future classmates!" and me I was like: "yes I don’t! I don’t want to know them! I'm not in a lack of social life! you know" then she said: "just be more accessible to people so they can know who you really are"

Despite what she said, I spent the rest of the day pouting! Honestly I'm not the kind of person who pretends to be happy when he’s not; I often say whatever is in my head which is not pleasant to hear for some people!! Uhm anyways the matter is that I have good friends who know who I really am, and that's enough for me.

California: the song + lyrics

I have nothing special to share right now, so here is the famous song"California" by "Phantom Planet" that I'm always telling about; now you can listen it and juge by yourselves!

We’ve been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for number one

California here we come
Right back where we started from

Hustlers grab your guns
Your shadow weighs a ton
Driving down the 101

California here we come
Right back where we started from
California (California...)
Here we come

On the stereo
Listen as we go
Nothings gonna stop me now

California here we come
Right back where we started from

Pedal to the floor
Thinking of the roar
Gotta get us to the show

California here we come
Right back where we started from
California (California...)
Here we come

DOODLE: I cannot wait for tomorrow!!!

It’s the eve of the first day of school and I'm just too stressed, or maybe disappointed. Actually I feel the same every year, cause every school year’s end, I’m like: Okay, this summer, I’ll do this and this… but at the end of the holidays I didn’t do anything of what I planed to do, and that’s sort of irritating and disappointing at the same time. Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore, now I just have to go out there, and have a new start, maybe try to achieve some things I always wanted to, and enjoy the year cause it’s the last one before the baccalaureate’s year so. There’s just one thing I like about been back at school: wearing new clothes seem to show our summer-look, I gotta say that is pretty cool!
Ps: I’m not much a show-off!

September 18, 2009

Russians...always The best

the russians are always the best, especialy in sport: Maria Sharapova, former n°1 and 3 times Grand Slam winner (Wimbeldon 2004, US Open 2006, Australian Open 2008) has capitalised on her sporting ability and good looks to become the world's highest-paid female athlete.
and there is of course Marat Safin, first and youngest russian n°1 in the world, 2 times Grand Slam winner (US Open 2000, Australian Open 2005) and 2 times Davis Cup winner (2002, 2006 with Russia).
Marat is not the only champion in the Safin family, there is also his little sister "Dinara Safina" currently n°1 in the world and silver medal winner in Beijing 2008.
we can also talk about the other russian tennis player:
Elena Dementiva: olympic champion in beijing 2008, silver medal winner in Athene 2004 and currently top 10 player.
Anastasia Myskina: Roland Garros winner in 2004.
Kuznetsova: 2 times Grand Slam winner (US Open 2004, Roland Garros 2009).
Nadia Petrova, Vera Zvonareva, Anna Chakvetadze: former top 10 players.

The russian Fed and Davis Cup team (Fed for women, Davis for men) have won the cup 9 times this 10 last years, 2 with mens and 7 with womens.

РОССИЯ, Я любю тебя!!

Russia is a big part of my life, I'm like completly captivated, I just don't know how it can be possible to have so much admiration not to a person but to a country!! for me Russia is the best! the most powerful, the most beautiful, the most everything...

But at the same time, it's true. Russia has always been a country with a lot of history, glory and pride.

its cities are so wonderful and its monuments remind its long history full of victories and glory.

When you see all those pictures, don't you just wanna go out there? I mean, that's the feeling I have when I look at the pictures.


Hello, Hello

As I promised to talk again about Twilight, I'll talk about (not the other books, but about the movie) wait a minute, did I say that the first book has been adapted into film??

Sorry, my mistake! but you probably already know it so...
anyway, the movie is great, with great actors and great scenes.
by "great actors" I mean: an actress who is not really good-looking cause Bella is supposed to be, physically, an ordinary girl.
So Kristen Stewart was perfect for that caracter. Not that she is not beautiful in real life, but that she's perfect to embody normalcy and this is a great quality for such a young hollywood actress .
About Edward, uhm... I don't know, Robert Pattinson seems "on some pictures" really gorgeous, but in some others, a catastrophy!!! while Edward is supposed to be the little brother of Dzus!

but yeah, Rob has in common with Edward his hair; this strange reddish brown color, which is really beautiful actually, really...
But THE man of the movie was Emmett, (the older brother of Edward, exemplified by Kellan Lutz, look at him, isn't he handsome??!!

DOODLE: Help Mom!!!

The way I live now, I wonder how I would be able to return to school! I mean, yesterday or rather today I slept at 5a.m and woke up at 1p.m because I saw some light, and I was like “oh god, who that hell opened the window?!! Close that window shit, mom, mooooom” (in fact calling my mom is something I am accustomed to do when I've a little problem even just to close a window). But obviously I had to get up and close it myself, because at that time, my mother was at work, and that's how I woke up for good, unable to sleep again.
Then I began to clean the house, here and there. But I hate that so I stopped few minutes after. Apart from that, it was an easy and ordinary day.
talk to you soon...


can you tell me if obsession is a kind of crazyness?! cause I'm completely obsessed with this song, "California" I am always listening it and when I can't listen it I'm singing it! that's drive me crazy, but the song is really great (highly recommended)

by the way, California is the soundtrack of the TV-Show: The O.C. (Newport Beach) made by this band "Phantom Planet"

DOODLE: Some respite before the beginning of commencement

Uhm, what can I say about today?!...A pretty calm day actually, in fact I’m just writing to write, cause it’s a bit boring today so I try to spend time doing some meaningful things.
I slept until 12 a.m. During the holidays I like to stagger my sleep time of several hours, just to plenty enjoy the night world! Then I just tried to find something fun to do to pass the time, so I took the Twilight book and started reading. Although I already read it many times yet, I just couldn’t put it down.
Twilight ("Fascination" in French) is like a drug, a really powerful drug; I kinda spend my whole summer with the books of this saga cause yes, Twilight is a saga (also called "the forbidden desire" of 4 books which each book is better than the other. The first “Twilight” (the one I read today) is all about Isabella (Bella) Swan who fell in love with a gorgeous vampire (Edward Cullen). The story is just awesome, and the fact is that every girl can be Bella, we can easily identify to her (not only because there's simply the perfect guy who is crazy in love with her) so we (girls) all want to be Bella. I think this story is really interesting to read even it’s unreal, because we all need a touch of fantasy in this monotonous life. Movies and books are made for that precisely.
I'll talk latter about the 3 other books, it's a promise!

Стася : буду

here is the lyrics of that russian song I used in the Maria Sharapova video, singing by this lovely girl "Стася" right here on the picture.
lil' problem, it's writing in Russian!
at worst, translate it into English, look on google, it's surely not in lack of translators!

Мне казалось, все в жизни так просто
И ответы найти на вопросы
Будет мне одной, так легко

Только что-то вокруг изменилось,
Не сломалось, но вдруг растворилось
И теперь уже далеко

Ты все знал, но только не сумел понять
Не прошел и двух шагов,
Ты поставил точку - не успев начать
Ты ушел и взамен мне не оставил ничего

Но все равно я буду, буду тебя любить,
Буду как прежде жить,
только одним тобой
И вопреки всему, я - выдержу, я - смогу
И в сердце я сберегу эту любовь свою

В этой жизни у всех свои роли
И устав от ошибок и боли
Хочется забыть обо всем

И в минуты, когда одиноко
Кто-то рядом с тобою, но только
Тот кого ты ждешь, далеко

Я как-будто между небом и землей
На перекрестке двух дорог
Время нас меняет, - стала я другой
И пора все понять, все по местам расставить, но


И никто не будет видеть моих слез,
Даже если будет слишком больно
я сумею все понять, простить сумею и принять в тебе все то, что невозможно поменять


Но все равно я буду...буду тебя любить

Мария Шарапова - Буду писня

Well, to be honest I was really inspired when I was doing this video, so what I desapointement should it be to me if you don't like it!!
no, I'm kidding check it out and let me know if you like it!!
PS: the song is a Russian music "Буду" which means: "will" like I will do something!

DOODLE: From heaven to hell

Today was registration for the new school year, great!! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m a high school student!
In the morning I was sleeping... so my friends came and swung me water in the face to wake me up!!! Actually it's my mom's fault; she shouldn’t let them enter my bedroom without my permission. But I was kinda happy to see them, you know that feeling you have when you’re with people who understand you and with whom you can be yourself, you know whatever you’re doing; they’re just like: it’s cool!! So I think spend time with’em is something I just love to do, although I'm probably the only normal person among them… I think!
Anyway, about school, to see again everyone out there just remind me how much I hate school, exactly I hate school mainly because of other students, there are all kinds: good guys, bad guys, the show-offs (primarily from the female gender actually) and so on... This diversity drives people totally crazy; we never know what way forward with'em, never at all.
Thanks god, there are my friends, who that will always be there for me, or at least are meant to be there!!! In fact I think it’s the right way to go through this stage of life, I mean just hang on your friends and be yourself. Then you realize once you leave school, that it’s a smaller version of life.

At least it's still the same school as last year, no new faces except the young new-comers that I’m not too scared to face or meet, which will make it a bit easier. Cause I still remember what feelings you have when you enter at new school, and actually, first days at new schools always feel the same: Like suddenly you’re on a new planet, breathing a new atmosphere…

a bit of glamour in sport never hurts!

when first you look at this picture above, you're probably like: "Okay, she a hollywood star, just like all others"

But when you look at this picture ----------------------------> you're certainly wondering: Am I dreaming or is it the same girl?
No, you're not dreaming, Maria Sharapova is the most glamorous tennis player, but don't be fooled by her charming face, she is one of the best tennis players in the world.

1.88m, 59Kg, blonde mane, yellowish green eyes, arms and legs well muscled, a suitable body both for sport and modeling. The Russian doll is like a mixture of the two pictures above, and the result is this last picture :

And we haven't yet heard the last of it, trust me!

Tennis, Tennis, Tennis...

Tennis is a sport that I always loved, I practice it and I'm always following it on TV.
My fav players are Marat Safin and Maria Sharapova (two russians!!) but also Rafael Nadal (he's spanish but just play so good that you can't don't like him).

This is Marat Safin, I think he is so handsome and so good player and so...everything that I just adore him!!

unfortunatly, this is the last season for him, he descided to put down his racket at the end of the year. that's really sad because he's just 29 and was like the crowd's darling, cause he's so funny and so adorable! especialy when he breaks rackets!!!!

DOODLE: Little tricks...

This is probably the first time I’m writing a diary on a blog; generally I’m not the kind of person who likes to talk or to share its feelings. My feelings remain quietly in the depth of myself, that someone could know it would be as a violation of copyright for me. But this time, I’m not gonna bend to the rule so I’ll keep a diary…or at least, I’ll try.
I don’t exactly know why I’m writing in English, that’s would be much, much more simple to write in French, but let’s try, English always inspired me and honestly, express my feelings or just trot out my days would be definitely too easy in French, it would have no character, no personality…I mean, it would be dead.
And that’s what I always thought about the French language; I think it’s a bit dead, with a pronunciation that sounds so right, so perfect that it is sickening.
Nevertheless, I consider it a beautiful language, both wide and simple, sometimes hard because of its complexity, which makes me feel sort of proud and extremely lucky to be a native speaker.
Like everybody who is not American or British, I learned English at school, of course, I had to currently update “lonely” to reach this level, on the other hand, this doesn’t mean that I regard it perfect just on the road to progress.
If I decided to persevere and always keep improving, it’s because “like the Russian language” I've always been fascinated by the intonations and sounds emitted by people speaking. the difference is that, learning the Russian language was a necessity for me (I’m totally and unconditionally in love with Russia) but learning English was a desire, a desire of improvement and complacency.
To return about Russia, I must say that I do not understand myself, primarily because this love hit me all of a sudden, like a thunderbolt. If I were Russian I would be the most patriotic person of the country, committing myself throughout any battle aimed at the glory and honour of the nation. And being Russian…that’s my hope! My wish! This is what I always dreamt about, and every single day of always. Unfortunately, I was born in a sort of hole of the world, very far from Russia obviously, annihilating by the way all my dreams about Russian glory, honour and patriotism.
But this didn’t discourage me so far, I kept believe and have faith in being someday a Russian citizen, so I thought that learning the language would be a good start, I needed to believe that it helps, because in truth, it is the only thing I can do now.
Then I began to learn Russian, at first, by forcing myself to put somehow all my heart, but strangely, it wasn’t as hard as I imagined, certainly because I loved the Russian language since the first course.
so come visit my blog regularly to hear news and some stuff from my daily life. don't forget that life is a road so I hope you'll enjoy the trip...