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September 18, 2009


Hello, Hello

As I promised to talk again about Twilight, I'll talk about (not the other books, but about the movie) wait a minute, did I say that the first book has been adapted into film??

Sorry, my mistake! but you probably already know it so...
anyway, the movie is great, with great actors and great scenes.
by "great actors" I mean: an actress who is not really good-looking cause Bella is supposed to be, physically, an ordinary girl.
So Kristen Stewart was perfect for that caracter. Not that she is not beautiful in real life, but that she's perfect to embody normalcy and this is a great quality for such a young hollywood actress .
About Edward, uhm... I don't know, Robert Pattinson seems "on some pictures" really gorgeous, but in some others, a catastrophy!!! while Edward is supposed to be the little brother of Dzus!

but yeah, Rob has in common with Edward his hair; this strange reddish brown color, which is really beautiful actually, really...
But THE man of the movie was Emmett, (the older brother of Edward, exemplified by Kellan Lutz, look at him, isn't he handsome??!!

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