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December 28, 2009

what's up doc?

I just get back from "l'hosto" (hospital like we say it in french) and I'm like: CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!
I was the one who wanted to go out there cause I wanted a sort of general visit you know, especially for my eyes cause I feel like I completely screwed'em up because of the computer. So I was kinda expecting to wear glasses (and still, Glasses just for reading) but you know what? I got everyday's life glasses for the rest of my life! "okay, okay, just calm down, not a big deal; find the money and you can exchange'em for contacts..." that's what I was thinking to bring my cool back and it works. i went to the next doc totally under control.

The next one was the dentist; I know some of you hate the dentist (be honest and say that you all are scared of him!) well just so you know guys, it was my first time! I've never been at a dentist's office, ever... So I obviously dreaded the meeting, but oddly I had fun! you know hearing the doc saying that I got perfect teeth was super, perfect teeth, beautiful white teeth and excellent oral hygiene...
of course compliments didn't last very long and the doc said: "you gotta have surgery to remove wisdom teeth and wear braces 6 months" hahaha that's pretty fun!
Does this bastard doctor really think that I'll accept to look like braceface?? Crazy... he's simply damn crazy... is there any other explanation? guess not
I mean, my teeth look great, and okay I'll do the surgery, but only if it's absolutely necessary. Otherwise this doc can go to hell.

At the end of the day, I realized something: docs make you feel disposable and my mom too cause she's a doc herself...But i realized something else: Doc's profession is definately not a job for me...then again not at all!

December 27, 2009

3 doors down

right here is one of my fav bands, they got the talent, they've done great songs and still do... so sad that they're not as popular as Britney Spears, even though they're a million time better.

you know many people think that nobody can be as good a Nirvana or Metallica when we talk about that kind of music, you know rock-metal something like that. Actually I always thought that smaller bands are even better just like: "3 Doors Down", "Avenged sevenfold", "love spit love" (no one really heard about'em so they split few times after their first album, but I heard about'em and I think it's so unfortunate that they're not performing anymore) ...uhm what else; "the dandy warhols", "Stone sour" (also one of my fav)there's also "the verve", "phantom Planet"...and so many others.
Of course I'm fan of Metallica, Nirvana, Apocalyptica, Fall out boy, Paramore, Nickel back, Linkin park, coldplay...but those are the greatest in the world and you all certainly already know'em

December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, and Happy New year...

Just wanted to wish you all a very happy Christmas, and hope you got all the gifts you wanted!
in Algeria we don't celebrate Christmas but we do with New Years so Happy new year too...Hope it'll be a great year full of good things, happiness and successfulness.
Take it easy with the chocolate and alcohols!! but still celebrate, those are great opportunities to have fun and go crazy so Push it out!!!

December 17, 2009

Dudaktan kalbe...Heartbeats

Ooh my god!!! you guys know that I'm a ball of energie when I'm excited by something (and now I said something and NOT someone!!) whatever I'm just so crazy about that book I long to read... Of course I already saw the adaptation on TV but talking by experience,
I know that adaptations are piece of crap compared to the novel
I just can't think of other stuff, I need the book, and when I'll get it (cause for sure I'll hand over it) I'll swallow it in a couple of days and then I'll be then unfortunate cause I'd have read it too swiftly.
Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway, I'll resume quickly the story:
Lamia is a 19 years old girl who lost her parents in her childhood and is now leaving with her uncle's family who are taking her for their servant.(well, if you just read that, you'll think it a boring Cinderella story, but believe me it's a lot better and bolder than a simple Cinderella story).
Kennan is a well known violinist whom he's cousin (Jamil) married kennan's first love (Lyla).
A lot of things happened after, like Lyla's death, Jamil who accidentally kills a man, Lamia goes to jail...
between Lamia & Kennan, it's a thunderbolt,they were crazy about each other But Kennan he didn't want to admit it because of their different social situations and broke up (even it wasn't a real relationship).
Lamia then get pregnant but did say nothing to Kennan so his career won't be compromised. meanwhile, it was Jamil's turn to fall in love with Lamia. So troubles are back again between Kennan and Jamil just like with Lyla.
I won't tell more just that it is an incredible love-drama
it's a turkish novel, turkish name: Dudaktan kalbe
english title: unknown!!

December 11, 2009

From F1 to WRC

Crazy to see how you can switch from a thing to another... I do it sometimes when I used to have a juice for the breakfast and suddenly eat cereals one morning!!!
This is just a short example. a big example would be to switch from Formula 1 to WRC, that is a big deal but also a serious risk, You never know which way things can turn.
So just wanted to tell something about Kimi Raikkonen who is starting a WRC carreer. Although he said it was just for 2010 and that he will be back to Formula 1 after, Kimi is going to drive the best car, a Citroen C4. Sebastien Loeb is driving a C4 too and is seventh time world champion... So is Kimi going to quit the F1??? I hope not, cause he's definitely the best (or at least one of the bests).

December 10, 2009

DOODLE: OUR walk out of work

Well well well...
This week was so exhausting, I thought it'll never end... but if we talk about an END, well for sure it was a beautiful end! I think I talked previously about the walk out of work that our teachers made. Us, pupils thought it for just a week but the week became 2weeks and then 3 weeks and it almost became a months.
And finally we've been late on the school programs. now the exams are gonna be while the holidays (thing that we'll not gonna let happen) so pupils did their own walk out of work (and me among'em!) we finally get what we wanted; exams after holidays and easier topics...
talk about that later...have a good night to you all

December 03, 2009


Huh! and troubles start again!
Guys I got a question for you: what do you do if someone (a true copy of Paris Hilton just without the blond wig) is sitting just in front of you, seeming to totally don't care about you, and is pouring rivers of unmeaning words one after the other (which gives you by the way an horrible headache)?
at first I was tolerate, I didn't want to fire it up just because of such behavior. But after a while my patience reached its limit, and I heard myself screaming SHUT UP! the bird-brained girl next to me (who was giving me the terrible headache) did not believe her ears, she was like: uhhhh...excuse me?!!
-me: yeah, can you shut it up just for a sec?
-bird-brained girl: you're rude, you know that?
-me: I'm not, but I can tell you what YOU are; a stupid girl who doesn't respect anyone. you're coming over here (my table actually) and you behave like I was invisible
-bird-brained girl: who the hell you think you are?
-me: I don't know, someone who tells you your truths! (then I spoke with an amused tone) at least I'm useful to you. if it was someone else, he'd just insult you and would tell you to go away, and by the way with really dirty words...and whatever just get out of my face now
I don't know exactly what she was going to say, but it looked like a swear word, lucky for her the teacher prayed us to shut up.

Well this is a message to who does believe that trying to bring those kind of girls on the right way a worthwhile mission:
they'll never change, it's their nature to be like that, I think there's something that dysfunction in their brain when they had their periods the first time. It's life and be sure that it's a hopeless mess.
write to you soon...meanwhile take care! bye bye

December 01, 2009

This is it

Well, so sorry guys for the lack of updates but I was in such a deep depression when Marat played his last official tennis match...ok my sentence sounds a little dramatical and maybe use the word "depression" is a little abused, but I can definitely not describe with mere words the awful mood in which I am now.It's like a huge vacuum in me, know that Marat won't play anymore, I'm so sick about it you just can't imagine.
I just hope he won't completely disappear from the screen. it has just been 2 weeks that he left the pro-tour that I already miss him...
Here is the video of the good bye-ceremony(so sad)it was in Paris, new and old players came to tell Marat "au revoir" check it out:

Like I was really sad and in a deep sorrow, I decided to do something which makes me forget this. Actually I wanted to do something worthwhile, and honestly create something is my fav stuff so I mad a video of Marat (of course) and Sophia Bush (do you remember the lovely brunette with a super chic style?) well I've always thought them a great couple (if they date tough) apparently no love between that two, yet they met a couple of times. I'll upload it soon but if you wanna check it out right now go to:

Have a nice evening...