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December 01, 2009

This is it

Well, so sorry guys for the lack of updates but I was in such a deep depression when Marat played his last official tennis match...ok my sentence sounds a little dramatical and maybe use the word "depression" is a little abused, but I can definitely not describe with mere words the awful mood in which I am now.It's like a huge vacuum in me, know that Marat won't play anymore, I'm so sick about it you just can't imagine.
I just hope he won't completely disappear from the screen. it has just been 2 weeks that he left the pro-tour that I already miss him...
Here is the video of the good bye-ceremony(so sad)it was in Paris, new and old players came to tell Marat "au revoir" check it out:

Like I was really sad and in a deep sorrow, I decided to do something which makes me forget this. Actually I wanted to do something worthwhile, and honestly create something is my fav stuff so I mad a video of Marat (of course) and Sophia Bush (do you remember the lovely brunette with a super chic style?) well I've always thought them a great couple (if they date tough) apparently no love between that two, yet they met a couple of times. I'll upload it soon but if you wanna check it out right now go to:

Have a nice evening...

1 comment:

YAM said...

i dont really know this Marat that you're talking about but cheer up.
and i super love sophia bush too:)
she's just really pretty!
but she's with someone else right?
hehe.anyway, nice blog!