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April 21, 2010

No title for this post, sorry!

I'm back, and I feel it's been an eternity that I didn't blog, well it's only because I've no much to say, there's nothing unusual happening in my life, so basically I'm just living an awful routine. The worst about it, is that I'm getting accustomed to it. I should be sorry for myself but as true as it bothers me to say it, I am not really, in fact I'm trying as hard as I can to carry on living this routine for the days I have left to go to school, having lessons, then taking part to exams and... and finally Holidays!!!!!!!! the last ones before my Baccalaureate exam and let me tell you that I am so freaked out, I'm afraid to screw everything up, after 3 years of torture at this goddamn high school (which looks so like a prison) the least I can do is to get out of there with a good Baccalaureate result (why not excellent result?) but I'm so frightened that all that has been done for nothing, well I can't say: all that "hard word" for nothing, because I'm not really a hard worker; I've always had good marks everywhere and especially in Mathematics without any effort so far, but here is my big issue, I do not and completely not know how to work hard to get something. That's to say bad habits are really... "bad" in default of better word.
So I think I'm just gonna carry on this way, carry on living my humdrum and meaningless life till my next year, and then I'll see what options I got.
By the way, did I mentioned I got a new English teacher? well at first I thought he was just some kind of jerk, and I've been really awful with him, but he's so a nice guy and I feel so terrible and guilty to have treated him the way I did. he even congratulated me for my good results!
I am a terrible person...

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