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March 12, 2010

Time for me to blog again...

I know I've been kind of lazy with you and I completely neglected my blog, but believe me it couldn't be otherwise. Between school, tennis practices, my Russian lessons (that I try as best I could do to have) and some time to my friends who noticed that I've been such a deserter for some weeks now, I've got no time to blog but now it's the holidays so...
I think I own big apologies (I don't know exactly to who) cause I've totally screwed up my blog. when I see the date of the last post I'm like: Waouh! have I been that neglecting?
that's to say that I am so sorry. I should add this is not gonna happen again, but... it is probably going to so...!

I have no big news except that I finally did well at school! maybe I could have done better but still good job compared with the first term. And now that exams are over, I'll be able to often write, and go to parties just like I did last week-end.
It was actually my cousin's friend birthday party, it was fun and we took some cool pics but my cousin, -as dumb as she is- accidentally deleted the whole file! so I can't show it to you guys. at least that makes no proof that I was in party last week-end cause my mom thought I was just spending the night with my cousin, she would be mad if she knows the truth, she hates when I lie to her and especially hates college boys! plus, I was supposed to be revising my lessons knowing that exams wasn't over yet...

I'll write again very soon so bye now

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