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May 27, 2010

Rise and Shine sleepyheads!

it's 9 in the morning and God! I feel so good! seriously I'm brimming with energy, I don't know if it'll always make feel that way the fact that I wake up pretty early; but I noticed that I never feel that good when I wake up later, like around 12 a.m, actually I feel exactly the same way as when I wake up at 6 when I used to go to school, which means: lazy, a headache, terrible want to go back to bed but just can't sleep again... Now it seems like I found the right time to wake up!

Okay enough with the sleeping time, and let's get right down to the main topic; I said before I was going to talk about 90210 season finale, actually I didn't like it much cause there were too much cliffhangers. "just like the vampire diaries finale" you'd tell me, but the difference is that TVD's cliffhangers were kind of smart and well thought:
  1. Caroline who's got an internal bleeding so basically we don't know if she's gonna die or not.
  2. Tyler, and the werewolf thing.
  3. not really a cliffhanger but, Damon and the fact that he thinks he kissed Elena.
  4. Jeremy, he took drugs to kill himself to turn onto vampire but we didn't really see him dead so there's kind of a Two in One cliffhanger: 1-Jeremy dead or not, 2-Vampire Jeremy.
  5. What is exactly going to happen with Elena and Kathrine in the same house?
  6. Bonnie, and her weird behavior with Elena.
  7. Mayor Lockwood's death (when the handsome vampire of the tomb broke his neck I was like: haha finally someone punishing you for cheating on your wife and hitting your son! bad man, really bad).
  8. And the whole mess in Elena's house with on a side, uncle John's body on the kitchen's floor, and on the other side, uncle John's fingers all messed up on the kitchen's table, which is kind of a cliffhanger too cause Jenna doesn't know about the whole vampire thing and she'll seriously be freaked out. (hah I like the scene when Kathrine cuts John's fingers and John was screaming: ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh, Kathrine? (cause he thought it was Elena) so "Elena" who was actually Kathrine immediately shows her vampire eyes and greeted John "Hello John ...Good-Bye John" and she stabbed him. haha seriously I think Nina is specially done to play the wicked one. And Kathrine definitely rocks!
but 90210... there were no excitement, no explosive things, I mean compared to TVD and the vampire's attack and Uncle John's devise to kill the vamps, 90210 was boring; I was waiting for Annie and Liam to kiss the whole season but I thought, I mean I was like: "no kiss for now? okay not a problem, it's sure gonna be on season finale" but there wasn't! I was like: crap, no kiss? just a hug?
seriously I got bored watching it, for instance: Dixon was up to some Australia trip with Ivy (his short time girlfriend; who totally rocks by the way) and he was thinking of that trip since like 5 episode or whatever, but at the end we just saw him packing his stuff whereas his mother was forbidding him to go anywhere, so does it mean he's not going? (cause his mommy was very convincing, my own mother wouldn't do better!) or does it mean he's gonna escape from the window?
oh and his parents are about to get divorced ...which kind of sucks but it's a TV-show so I guess it adds some drama in it.

Uhm, the main thing of the episode was ..., it was like a party at a museum (seriously who throws a party among a pile of decomposed Dinosaur bodies?) so basically the place was already boring, and everybody was dressed the same way, girls wearing red, boys black and I heard something like the married girls need to wear white or something...
But nothing special happened just a happy end for Silver and Teddy who got back together, Adrianna and Navid did too, poor Liam whose dearly boat had been burned by Jasper (Annie's jealous sociopath ex-boyfriend, who's got gorgeous eyes BTW) and Naomi who: 1-has been dumped by Liam (I was so happy you just can't imagine how much, Naomi/Liam sucks), 2-got reaped by Mr. Cannon the apparently new teacher at West Bev high School (or at least, was about to get reaped, cause it was the last scene of the episode, it was the main cliffhanger of it).
Well, this might sounds like a shocking stuff but I was sure something like that was about to happen to Naomi, she's been mean, and glib with everybody around her, she tried to get even from her sister, and here you can see how stupid Naomi is cause trying to fool Jen is definitely a hopeless mess and a really bad idea cause Jen is the most freaking and scaring bitch I've ever met or saw, and she has always got the last word.
So Naomi got reaped (or not, here's the other Cliffhanger) by Mr. Cannon, the guy whom she almost destroyed the life when she wrongly accused him of sexual harassment (what a smooth lie!). So at first everybody was like: Go Naomi, you're a strong girl and stuff, but when she confessed and when everybody in school knew she was lying, she kind of walked in the shepherd shoes, Cannon knew what he was doing, he knew nobody would believe her if she tells cause she already lied once... I don't know if it's said that way in English, but in French there's something: a proverb or a little story of the circumstances: it's the shepherd who yells "wolf" when there is not, so everyone run to help him but he lies every time, but when he did need help, when there was actually a wolf nobody believed him thinking he was lying again... So that is sort of what happened or what is about to happen to Naomi. pretty sad!
Actually I was watching the episode with my friend but she didn't know about the whole story with Silver and Teddy, Adrianna & Navid, so she was a bit like: "I DON'T GET IT! Teddy & Silver broke up? guess because I can't understand English as good as you" and I was like: yeah you wouldn't get too even if you do understand English cause you haven't seen the last few episodes.
So she forced me to tell her the whole story, which took me about 10 mns so basically I missed 10 mns of the finale, so she was like: "Ahhh I get know, so Silver was doing the right thing!" and I was like: "yeah, okay smart one"...

So between TVD's final episode and 90210's, the choice is quickly done ...VAMPS!!!

PS: the girl on the pics: JESSICA LOWNDES who plays ADRIANNA TAT-DUNCAN on the show of 90210. She btw as an amazing voice.


Anonymous said...

totally agree with you

Nastia said...

I guess this was my longest post ever!