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May 06, 2010

Nice Thursday night out with friends.

I think yesterday, I got the nicest surprise of my whole life! I was at home, after school, it was around 8 p.m, I just had taken a shower so basically after that I was untangling my hair and I was wearing my very pink pajamas... I was like really ready to go to bed, at 8 p.m! and that's when my phone rang! it was my cousin (the insane one, the one who used to throw parties at aunty's empty house), and the conversation was like:
-hey freak! (I thought then that everything's normal, woe is me!)
-hey Sab listen; clothe up, I'm picking you up in 10 minutes ... wait ... (pause) ...... you got it? I need ya ready in 10, and we'll be on time .... (an other pause) .... wait I can't hear ya (as if she had let me put a word!)
-On time to what? what're talking about?
-to Dinner at the " Wood Woody Pecker" or "Pecker wood" or whatever, you know, the brand new restaurant I told you about last time, it's Zaky's birthday. (the correct name was "Woody Pecker")
-really? (I felt ashamed not to know it) should we take a present?
-oh cut it out, no need! those days are gone. Wake up girl the world has moved on!
-Okay but I need some time to get my hair dried...
-Why the hell your hair is wet?
-Actually I just took a show...
-Yeah whatever, just don't get us late, see ya (and she hang up).

the weirdest thing is that she got home at time! her!!!! who's always late, to whatever the event maybe! Of course I wasn't ready yet so she helped me out with my hair.
She, by the way, wore one of my bags! (I knew the hair help wasn't free anyway): Ah finally something cute to put on your closet... huh I speak like you had a closet! do you call that a closet? I call it a mess!all that old and stinky stuff!
Of course when you hear that, you would want to slap her or something but I get used to the way she is and I really don't mind.
So we went to the restaurant, we met there some friends of hers and some of mine, we sang happy birthday, we ate some cake. then the dinner was absolutely delicious (I ordered fish, my cousin by the way dropped a comment "as usual": am I gonna have the pleasure "someday" to see you ordering something else than Fish or pizza?) and that was totally true, a dinner out means systematically Pizza or fish to me (every meal that got any kind of fish becomes one of my fav meals).

When you hear all that right now, it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but in fact is was really cool, I always have fun with her, and I always enjoy my time weather with her or with her friends.

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