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January 30, 2010

1,2,3...VIVA L'ALGERIE!!!

Hi there...

Just find some minutes to come over here and write to you some words...words dedicated to our National Football Team (or rather soccer team, if you're from America).

As you may already knew it, the Algerians "Fennec Foxes" are qualified to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa this June.

Two months ago, we pulled our qualification at the expense of Egypt after so many problems, including the stoning of the bus that was transporting the Algerian Footballers while the second leg in Cairo, injuring players. In short, all this has meant that our two peoples hate each other now...just like I do.

But this doesn't matter anyway, "Les égypCHiens" like my dad says, which means Egyptians, just pulled us out of the African Cup at the semi final, which is not that bad u'd say. But I forgot to mention that we lost with a shameful (0-4)!!!!!!

But I learned something because of this match, and I think everybody around the world did too, Les egypCHiens are cheaters. I've already thought of this possibility while the 1/4 final against Cameroon, cause there were something like 2 false goals for Egypt that have been counted as good ones.

But after this match between Egypt and Algeria, everything became clear as crystal. They gave some money and shit to the match umpire so he helps them. there is no other explanation you know, cause give 3 red cards during an only match and to an only team is just not usual. We were playing 8 against 11!!!

I'm so disgusted, and so upset, and so disappointed...cause we really deserved to reach the Final, and then who knows; we could have won the match and by way the title.

Anyway, I am still proud of our National Team, they reached the Semis which is definitely a good result. and I'm looking forward to June so as the whole world see what they can do.

And as Rafik Saifi said: We're going to South Africa; Them, They (Egyptians) can stay here (Angola).

January 12, 2010

Need you're help!

Hey to you bloggers, here's the big chocker: my dad and I had a fight! again...yeah, and we're now ending up with fights. That's my dad's word for fixing the damages!
in short, it was on account of the computer, and always the same blames: you're spending too much time surfing on the net, you're not working hard enough at school and so on... As a result it is forbidden to me to use it, for an undetermined duration. Probably till he's in better mood. In other words, for a long time.
I can't take it! my own computer!! this is crazy, isn't it? got to say that in my house, nobody really respects property if it comes from parents' money...I know, I know and you're right, that stinks.
The worst about it is that I'm in lack of genius ideas to make my dad giving up. There was a time when I was really good at this but now he's kinda accustomed to my crappy shots, thus my stock of good plans is exhausted and I'm definitely hopeless. So I turn to you guys, any suggestion, any idea, just leave it in the comment' spot.
According to expert opinion, I have to take off from home for few days, you know disappear some times, go to live with grandma for a while to make'em realize (my parents) that I'm done of their behavior. Actually that sounds pretty good, except something: I'm allergic to any other bed than mine, every night spent out of my bed means nightmare.
Talking about beds, I've got a story for you: this last summer I was with a bunch of friends at the beach and one of'em asked us; what's the only thing you would take with you on a deserted island? someone said his cell-phone, another one his guitar, beers, food...I said my bed. Then the one who was sitting just next to me said: oh cool, then I'll bring a woman, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase lend me your bed! everybody laughed out loud! it was sort of an unexpected response, everyone was caught off guard it was so fun!!! I miss summer...but back to my troubles, I really need your help guys I'm in complete despair........